


DC Extended Universe

Incubus's powers and abilities

Mystic Powers

Incubus is an inter-dimensional mystical being, with him and his sister Enchantress having been worshiped in the past as gods, and Amanda Waller claiming that Incubus and his sister are the most powerful metahumans that she has ever come across, with him nearly overpowering the combined might of the Suicide Squad single-handedly even after El Diablo went all-out against Incubus with his pyrokinesis, in the form of a huge flaming avatar. Despite having been worshiped as a god by the ancient Pre-Columbian Maya and Incas, however (known as "Kinich Ahau" to the Maya), Incubus is notably not quite as powerful as an actual Olympian God.

Super Strength

Incubus, due to gigantic stature, has incredible superhuman strength, though not quite on the same level as that of Superman. Hence, he effortlessly sent Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and Captain Boomerang flying with light blows, overpowered the flaming avatar El Diablo, and would have single-handedly overpowered the entire Suicide Squad with his sheer strength, had Incubus not been killed in time.

Super Durability

Incubus is incredibly durable, seemingly invulnerable to blunt force trauma (easily withstanding the hurled weapons of Captain Boomerang, numerous bullets from Deadshot, and all-out fire offensive from the flaming avatar El Diablo, and wasn't moved even by an incoming train, instead continuing the stand there as the train went by, with the train getting sliced apart in the process). He can, however, be injured by magical or extremely hot items, such as Katana's sword Soultaker and the flaming avatar form of El Diablo (who was able to thrust his superheated hand right through Incubus' chest in this form), but his incredible healing factor compensates for this with extreme effectiveness. Incubus can, however, still be killed, as long as the attack is powerful enough to kill him instantly, which is how the Suicide Squad ultimately defeats him.

Healing Factor

Incubus, in the rare instances when he is hurt, is shown to heal at superhuman speeds, such as when Katana slices off his right hand with Soultaker, he re-grows a new identical one in its place almost instantly, and when El Diablo's flaming avatar form thrust his superheated arm through Incubus' chest, it healed around the arm almost at once, allowing Incubus to gain the upper hand.

Mystical Tendrils

Incubus can generate gigantic mystical tendrils from his body, using them as additional superpowered limbs, notably using one tendril to pull down Amanda Waller's helicopter from the sky, thus managing to capture her.

Monstrous Enslavement

Incubus, much like Enchantress is able to transform humans into grey monstrous beings through his power, by piercing their bodies with his huge mystical tendrils.

Mystical Empowering

Incubus was able to use his mystical tendrils to save his sister Enchantress when Amanda Waller pierced the latter's heart, making Enchantress impossible to be killed in that manner after Incubus' tendril touches her, seemingly also making Enchantress more powerful. However, this empowerment seemingly wears off after Incubus' death, with Enchantress dying after Rick Flag destroys her heart.

Mystical Fusion

Incubus was able to fuse his sister Enchantress's heart back into the body of her new host, June Moone.


Incubus was able to levitate the Enchantress' heart, sending it flying back towards his sister with a gesture.


Incubus, after getting hosted by the human Gerard Davis, was able to transform into his massive monstrous true form.


Incubus, much like an Olympian God, is capable of living for millennia, being roughly 6,300 years old (thus being born roughly a millennia prior to the War of the Gods) by the time he is finally killed, by El Diablo and Edwards.



Incubus speaks his native ancient language while addressing his sister Enchantress, and can also seemingly understand English.

Expert Combatant

Incubus is a fierce and effective combatant (most likely having centuries of combat experience like his sister Enchantress). Hence, he effortlessly sent Rick Flag, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and Captain Boomerang flying with light blows and even managed to overpower the flaming avatar El Diablo, though that might have been primarily due to the latter's hand getting caught in Incubus chest.