
How many movies have you seen?

Created by Galactus, 4 y 6 mo 11 d ago.

As most of you probably know, I love movies. It's one of my biggest hobbies. How much of a movie buff are you and what is the (estimate) number of movies you've seen?
Maybe you have an account somewhere as a watchlist or for keeping track of your ratings? Would love to see that!

Here's mine; IMDb Profile


HolyJoe 4 y 6 mo 7 d
How many movies have you seen?
90 months member
I've lost count.
Dusk_Pikachu 4 y 6 mo 10 d
How many movies have you seen?
60 months member
I have watched many movies. My estimation would be, maybe 1,000 different movies.
Ezio 4 y 6 mo 11 d
How many movies have you seen?
8+ year member
According to the number of movies I have on my external hard drive, more than 2,000 movies and 100 series.