who is smarter than darth sidious
Created by Pedrof, 5 y 27 d ago.
who is smarter than darth sidious
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Prion 5 y 24 d
who is smarter than darth sidious #
From the Canon Star Wars Universe, only yoda, because Darth Sidious was 25 years as a Chanceler in the Republic always knowing what they were planing and that's why he won the Clone Wars. Yoda could not see it because Darth Sidious was using the dark side to hide his "future" to the others Jedi.

DarkProdigy 5 y 26 d
who is smarter than darth sidious #
Lots and lots and lots of characters

BlotskyA 5 y 26 d
who is smarter than darth sidious #
Joki and Ghost Rider Al Ghul easliy