
What's your Phobia?

Created by sonyablade, 2 y 7 mo 15 d ago.

There are lots of them, and at least everyone has one. If you are really scared of something but dunno what its phobia is called you could just google it.

So what's your phobia and why, if it was caused by something?


Ahasan 24 d
What's your Phobia?
37 months member
Studyphobia 🥹
Aleazlllll 1 y 7 mo 12 d
What's your Phobia?
30 months member
phobia of needles
Galactus 1 y 7 mo 12 d
What's your Phobia?
8+ year member
Going blind.
Phobia maybe a bit too much, but I do fear it. I've lost about a 3rd of my sight in my right eye. I had Retinal detachment and was operated on to 'fix' it. It seems stable now, not getting worse, but whenever I get those light spots (like when looking it bright light) I have a moment of fear that something is going wrong.
I also have migraines with so called Aura's. Causing temporary blindness to parts of my sight. That also triggers my fear of going blind and I have to check if it's in both eyes (meaning it's 'just' a migraine). The Aura is gone in about an hour.

I've learned to live with it and it might sound worse than it is. Still, every time I need to check.