
What is your favorite power combination

Created by Hurricano, 4 y 1 mo 4 d ago.

What is your favorite power combination


aajayunlimited 4 y 1 mo 4 d
What is your favorite power combination
91 months member
Rogue and Multiple Man's/Ditto's powers together would be tremendous. Imagine this for a moment; Rogue already copies powers; then, she combines with Multiple Man/Ditto and there are many absorbers fighting the enemy or enemies--whoever that is or they are. And, Rogue is already 100 Tonner now with other physical abilities that match Spider-man's or are better. So, there is a multitude of fighters with those same abilities...UPVOTE IF THIS WOULD BE GREAT COMBINATION OF POWERS TO HAVE! I THINK SO.
MoNsTeR 4 y 1 mo 4 d
What is your favorite power combination
58 months member
strenght flight speed
supermans powers
Taurus 4 y 1 mo 4 d
What is your favorite power combination
56 months member
Well, is it what I would want, or what I like to see a hero have, or maybe what my favorite character has or something?