Fantastic Four (2015)

Fantastic Four (2015)

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Status Released
SHDb Rating 3.9 / 10
30 ratings
Universe EMCU - Extended Marvel Cinematic Universe (2000-2019 Movies)
Runtime 100 min.
Story Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. [20th Century Fox]
CastMichael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm / The Human Torch, Miles Teller as Reed Richards / Mr. Fantastic, Kate Mara as Sue Storm / The Invisible Woman, Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm / The Thing, Toby Kebbell as Victor Domashev, Reg E. Cathey as Dr. Franklin Storm, Tim Blake Nelson as Harvey Elder

Characters in Fantastic Four (2015)

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