Do you think that captain marvel is the most powerful avenger?(And why)
Created by blackmaster2003, 5 y 3 mo 23 d ago.
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MakeMineMarvel 5 y 3 mo 21 d
Do you think that captain marvel is the most powerful avenger?(And why) #
Most fans seem to think that Thor is the most powerful Marvel character/Avenger character. However, a case can be made for several others, especially Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel and even the Hulk.
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EmptyHand 5 y 3 mo 21 d
Do you think that captain marvel is the most powerful avenger?(And why) #
Thor strongest marvel Character? (I'm getting such huge Spidey vibes) hell no
TheOne2001 5 y 3 mo 23 d
Do you think that captain marvel is the most powerful avenger?(And why) #
In the mcu Thor is more powerful.