Digimon help.
Created by masterking2, 2 y 5 mo 4 d ago.
I want to try to go through the Digimon verse then re-edit since I've been rewatching all the series,and I want to see if anyone wants to help.
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vonKonigsberg 2 y 5 mo 3 d
Digimon help. #
I can pitch in to help some, although I will say most of my experience with the franchise comes from the video games like Cyber Sleuth, World 3, etc...
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masterking2 2 y 5 mo 3 d
Digimon help. #
Still useful since my experience has mostly been through the anime.
vonKonigsberg 2 y 5 mo 1 d
Digimon help. #
What all do you have in mind for this rework you're planning? Do we need to hash out tiering and such?