Death Seed Archangel

Death Seed Archangel

Warren Worthington

Planet X

Death Seed Archangel's powers and abilities

Archangel possesses a set of metal techno-organic wings grafted onto him by the genetic engineering of Apocalypse when Apocalypse renames him the Horseman of Death. These wings are composed of a hard, sharp, organic material that resembles the "organic steel" of Colossus' body. The wings give him the ability to project his metallic feathers out from his wings at great speed and with tremendous force, enabling them to pierce even steel.

Archangel does not have complete control over his feathers, which sometimes shoot from his wings against his conscious will in response to his unconscious aggressive drives. The feathers are laced with a neural inhibitor chemical, generated by Archangel's body, which induces temporary paralysis.

Warren as Archangel firing projectiles from his metallic wings

These wings allow him to fly at speeds much faster than his natural, feathered wings. The edges of these metal wings are also razor sharp, allowing them to be used as weapons.

While he believes he has lost his metal wings when he re-grows his organic ones, the Celestial Technology never leaves his system, and his natural-appearing wings contain the Celestial technology. When implanted into regular human beings, the technology induces a transformation similar to that of Warren's. When his feathered wings are severed from his body by Wolfsbane, his metal wings grow back in their place. Furthermore, his skin reverts to blue and his old Archangel costume appears.Warren's body returns to normal �?? the metal wings being replaced with the appearance of his feathered ones �?? indicating that Warren has the ability to switch between metal and feathered wings and his Angel and Archangel appearances. During a battle with Selene's Coven, Blink teleports Warren's wings apart, shredding them to pieces. However, within minutes, they begin to painfully re-grow, indicating his healing factor may still exist. The wings have been shown capable to heal Apocalypse.. In issue 14 of X-Men: Second Coming, Dr. Nemesis questions the rate that they would grow as the biology is different from Colossus' armor.

After the death of Warren and the Archangel persona via the Life Seed, Angel comes back to life as an amnesiac with healing powers far beyond what he was ever able to originally accomplish, as demonstrated when he resurrects a recently dead dog.