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These are the 50 latest comments made by crazykitwana

85 months member
Wonder Woman (DCEU) Groot is a very cool tree, able to grow and regenerate at will including turning his arms into wooden stakes. However, Wonder Woman has superhuman strength and speed, magic bracelets and a lasso and she extremely handy with a sword. You were Groot.
85 months member
Superman (DCEU) What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? We could be about to find out. Hulk is a massively powerful superhuman when he's angry and, as we've seen in Thor: Ragnarok, an excellent warrior when it comes to gladiatorial battles. But he lacks control and sophistication. Superman is an alien with a whole array of handy powers including super-speed and strength. He's vulnerable to kryptonite but we don't reckon Hulk would be able to get organised enough to take advantage of that.
85 months member
Thor (MCU) Batman has some seriously amazing kit, a super suit and a big brain. But Thor, at the height of his powers, is a super-strong alien and an accomplished warrior with a special hammer and the ability to control lightning, while Bruce Wayne is ultimately still a puny human. Sorry Bats.