Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 49733 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- 001DitF
- 001Il-HanSQU
- 001The Blue And White
- 029Hwang In-HoSQU
- 067Kang Sae-byeokSQU
- 1-A
- 10,000 Volt GhostMr. VoltnerScooby-Doo
- 101Deok-SuSQU
- 199 (Players)Abdul AliSQU
- 26Earth-616
- 27Earth-616
- 2BYoRHa No. 2 Type BNieR
- 2BYoRHa No.2 Type BNieR:Ver1.1a
- 3-D ManDelroy GarrettEarth-616
- 3-D ManDelroy Garrett, Jr.Earth-616
- 3-D ManCharles ChandlerEarth-616
- 343 Guilty SparkHalo
- 4-DLea CorbenNew Earth
- 4-LOMStar Wars
- 456Gi-HunSQU
- 5.0.5.Villainous
- 514ABruce WayneGotham
- 5pb.5pb.Neptunia
- 664Teis
- 665Teis
- 666 TrainEarth-616
- 666 TrainEarth-616
- 666:SatanGOH
- 8 BallGravity Falls
- 8-BallJeff HageesEarth-616
- 9'sDitF
- 99Star Wars
- 9SYoRHa No.9 Type SNieR
- 9SYoRHa No.9 Type SNieR:Ver1.1a
- AAXenoblade
- AClaire MooreEarth-616
- A (Fourth Raikage)ANaruto
- A (Third Raikage)ANaruto
- A CalculusNew Earth
- A CapellaA Capella VoxRCMU
- A FriendEarth-616
- A'dalWarcraft
- A-120A-120Doorsverse
- A-60A-60Doorsverse
- A-90A-90Doorsverse
- A-BombRichard Milhouse JonesEarth-616
- A-BombRichard Milhouse JonesMAU
- A-BombardierRichardMAU
- A-ChanHololive
- A-KoEiko MagamiP A-Ko
- A-Mortal
- A-Qing (Sword of the Yue Maiden)A-Qing
- A-TrainThe Boys
- A-TrainReginald "Reggie" C. FranklinThe Boys 2019
- A.G.O.T.IAgoutiFNFU
- A.I.M. AgentEarth-616
- A.M.A.Z.OYoung Justice
- A.M.A.Z.OPrime Earth
- A.M.A.Z.OA.M.A.Z.OInjustice
- A.M.A.Z.ORebirth
- A.M.A.Z.O (Worlogog)Amazo
- A.M.A.Z.O.New Earth
- A.M.A.Z.O.Arrowverse
- A2YoRHa Type A No. 2NieR
- A2YoRHa Type A No.2NieR:Ver1.1a
- A4-DEV-A4-DStar Wars
- A?Sharad HettA?Sharad HettSWL
- AaAaNew Earth
- AadamMCU
- AagogNew Earth
- Aamir KhanAamir KhanEarth-616
- AamonML
- AangAangAvatar
- Aang (Avatar State)AangAvatar
- AaravosDPU
- AarchGF
- AardvarkPPU
- AardwolfChon LiEarth-616
- AaronValkyrie Crusade
- AaronTWD
- AaronLunar Knights
- Aaron "Cabal" Boone
- Aaron BarbatosBoG
- Aaron BarbatosBoG
- Aaron CashAaron CashNew Earth
- Aaron Deepneau
- Aaron DomingoHajime No Ippo
- Aaron DuBaerTW
- Aaron EnglishAaron Tagma EnglishEarth-616
- Aaron FischerEarth-616
- Aaron HillDeath Stranding
- Aaron MitchellTMvsTM
- Aaron MuraseBaki
- Aaron PierceAaron Pierce24
- Aaron SiegelSCP
- Aaron Smith-Teller (Abida)Aaron Smith-TellerUnsong Verse
- Aaron Smith-Teller (Los)Aaron Smith-TellerUnsong Verse
- AaronieroAaroniero ArruruerieBleach
- AaruAaruAW
- Aatrox (Prime)AatroxLoL
- Aatrox (Sealed)AatroxLoL
- AAYBakugan
- Aayla SecuraAayla SecuraLEGO Star Wars
- Aayla SecuraAayla SecuraStar Wars
- AbSpawn
- Ab-DeathEarth-50
- AbabiniliValkyrie Crusade
- AbaddonDota
- AbaddonNew Earth
- AbaddonDarksiders
- AbaddonAbaddonWOD
- AbaddonAbaddonSupernatural
- Abaddon The DespoilerAbaddon The DespoilerWarhammer 40K
- AbadedeSOR
- AbadonMatthew RyanEarth-616
- AbattoirArnold EtchisonNew Earth
- Abbadon
- Abbess MiejueCondor Trilogy
- Abbey BominableMHU
- Abbey ChaseAbigail Abbey ChaseDanger Girl
- AbbieBlack Butler
- AbbyAbigail Anderson
- AbbyAbbyMCU
- AbbyTPN
- AbbyAbra-Ka-DabraTT
- Abby HollandAbigail Arcane Cable HollandVertigo
- Abby Lincoln (Numbuh 5)Cknd
- Abby MaitlandPrimeval
- Abby SampsonAbby SampsonCharlie's Angels
- Abby YatesGhostbusters
- AbdielSpawn
- Abdul AlhazredEarth-616
- Abdul AlhazredCthulhu Mythos
- AbeAbraham PresleyEvolve-Verse
- AbeNoragami
- Abe BrownAbraham BrownEarth-982
- Abe BrownAbraham BrownEarth-616
- Abe LincolnClone High
- Abe No SeimeiJapanese Mythology
- Abe SapienH04M
- Abe SapienAbraham SapienHellboy
- AbelStreet Fighter
- AbelAbelEarth-616
- AbelAbelWOD
- AbelAOT
- AbelVertigo
- Abel
- AbelMCU
- AbelC17S
- AbelAbel WalkerMashle
- AbelRecord Of Ragnarok
- AbelShiki
- Abel CuvierAbel CuvierDCAU
- Abel GideonHannibal
- Abel NightroadTrinity Blood
- Abeloth (Avatar)AbelothSWL
- Abeloth (True Form)SWL
- Aberforth DumbledoreAberforth DumbledoreWizarding World
- AbernathyWizarding World
- AbernyuMGNF
- AberrationRana PhilipsEarth-616
- AbetoriusAbetoriusWOD
- AbholosAbholosExpanded Cthulhu Mythos
- AbhorashWF
- AbhothCthulhu Mythos
- AbidaAbidaFist Of The North Star
- Abigael Jameson-CaineCharmed
- AbigailStreet Fighter
- AbigailVD
- AbigailBastard!!
- Abigail BrandAbigail BrandEarth-13178
- Abigail BrandAbigail BrandEarth-8096
- Abigail BrandEarth-61112
- Abigail HobbsHannibal
- Abigail LewisCorto Maltese
- Abigail MarstonRDR
- Abigail WhistlerBlade
- Abigail WilliamsTsa
- AbigorGhost Rider
- AbilaJCA
- Abirama RedderAbirama RedderBleach
- Abis MalAladdin
- Abis OmegaBakugan
- AblahVD
- Able EvelyneValkyrie Crusade
- Abnegazar
- AbnerSupernatural
- Abner LewisCorto Maltese
- AbnermalNermalPFU
- Abominable SnowmanCarl HansonEarth-616
- AbominationEmil BlonskyEarth-616
- AbominationEmil BlonskyMCOC
- AbominationEmil BlonskyMCU
- AbominationReginald James ForteanEarth-616
- AbominationEmil BlonskyMAU
- AbominationEmil BlonskyEarth-13178
- AbominationEmil BlonskyEarth-5901
- AbominationChang LamEarth-1610
- AbominationRick JonesEarth-616
- AbominationEmil BlonskyEarth-8096
- AbominationEmil BlonskyEarth-13122
- Abomination DeathlokEmil Blonsky
- AbominatrixFlorence SharplesEarth-616
- AborasAborasUSU
- AboroValkyrie Crusade
- Above All OthersAbove All OthersEarth-616
- AbraAbraPokemon
- Abra KadabraArrowverse
- Abra KadabraAbhararakadhararbarakhNew Earth
- Abra KadabraYoung Justice
- Abra KadabraPrime Earth
- Abra KadabraRebirth
- Abra StoneAbra Stone
- Abraham CorneliusAbraham CorneliusEarth-72
- Abraham ErskineAbraham ErskineEarth-616
- Abraham ErskineAbraham ErskineMCU
- Abraham FordAbraham FordTWD
- Abraham FordAbraham FordTWD
- Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnAT
- Abraham LincolnALVH
- Abraham Van HelsingHotel Transylvania
- Abraham WhistlerBlade
- AbraxasAbraxasEarth-616
- AbraxasAbraxasWOD
- AbraxasCharmed
- AbraxasSupernatural
- AbregoBlack Lagoon
- AbsalomDarksiders
- AbsalomEarth-616
- AbsalomOP
- AbsenceUna Nemo
- AbsimiliardAbsimiliardWOD
- AbsoluteEarth-691
- Absolute BeingSLU
- Absolute Boundless Supernormal StateSCP
- Absolute LawKanaverse
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