Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53815 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Robin WoodBuffy
- Robin WoodBTVS UwoS
- Robin-MiteRebirth
- Robo FizzRobotic FizzarolliHellaverse
- Robo GuardJTU
- Robo-Sumo
- Robo-YetiG:TS
- Robocop 2.0CainRobocop
- Robot DevilBeelzebotFuturama
- Roboute GuillimanWF
- Roboute Guilliman (Empowered by emperor)Warhammer 40K
- Robyn HoodRobyn Tegan LocksleyGFT
- Rocco Genovese
- Rochelle GoyleMHU
- Rochelle ZimmermanThe Craft
- Rock BisonAntonio Lopez
- Rock BiterPyornkrachzarkTNES
- Rock LeeRock LeeNaruto
- Rock LinksMax Steel
- Rock PythonM'GulaEarth-616
- Rocket Battle DroidB1-series Battle DroidStar Wars
- Rocket DroidB2-series Battle DroidStar Wars
- Rocket RaccoonMCOC
- Rocket RaccoonEarth-616
- Rocket RaccoonEarth-21923
- Rocket RaccoonRocket RaccoonDoom Universe
- Rocket RaccoonRocket RaccoonMAU
- Rocket RaccoonEarth-13178
- Rocket RaccoonEarth-TRN840
- Rocket RaccoonMR
- Rocket RaccoonRocket RaccoonEarth-8096
- Rocket RaccoonRocket
- Rocket RaccoonEarth-13122
- Rocket RaccoonRocket RaccoonMCU
- Rocket Raccoon (Starbrand)Earth-TRN852
- Rocket RacerRobert FarrellEarth-616
- Rocket RedDmitri PushkinNew Earth
- Rocket RedGavril IvanovichPrime Earth
- Rocketbilly RedcadillacGungrave
- Rockley RochesterCriminal Case
- Rocky DavisLeslie 'Rocky' DavisNew Earth
- Rod NelsonEarth-616
- Rod ReissAOT
- Rod Reiss (Titan)Rod ReissAOT
- Roddick FarrenceRoddick FarrenceStar Ocean
- Roddy DieselSupercrooks
- Roderick BurgessMorris Burgess BrocklesbyVertigo
- Roderick Burgess
- Rodimus CronHot Rod
- Rodimus Cron (True Form)Hot Rod
- Rodimus PrimeHot RodT:G1
- Rodimus PrimeHot Rod
- Rodimus Prime (Matrix of leadership)Hot Rod
- Rodney CopperbottomRobots
- Rodney McKayMeredith Rodney McKaySG
- Rodney SkinnerLXG
- Rodolphus LestrangeWizarding World
- Rodrigo BrancoMax Payne
- Rodrik CasselGOT
- Rofuu IsomuraBaki
- Rogal DornRogal DornWarhammer 40K
- Roger DaviesWizarding World
- Roger DoofenshmirtzPhineas And Ferb
- Roger EltonZor-ElPre-Crisis
- Roger MurtaughLethal Weapon
- Roger ReynePlanetos
- Roger RuvieDeath Note
- Rogol ZaarRogol ZaarRebirth
- Rogue AmendiaresCyberpunk 2077
- Rogue CheneyRogue CheneyFairy Tail
- Rogue Cheyne (Future)Rogue CheyneFairy Tail
- Rogue Sun
- Rogue Trooper737S-1
- Rohan KishibeJJBA
- Roja HachimakiChoujin X
- Rokuro Enmado (Adolescent)Twin Star Exorcists
- Rokuro KiriyamaRokuro KiriyamaTougen Anki
- Rokuro UnnoBrave 10
- Rokurouta SakuragiRainbow
- Rokusuke KōenjiCOTE
- Roland CoxJumper
- Roland Deschain (novel)Dark Tower
- Roland FortisVNK
- Rolanda HoochWizarding World
- Rolf ScamanderWizarding World
- Rolling ThunderEarth-616
- Rolo LamperougeCode Geass
- Rom RorRom RorHeroic Age
- Rom, The Vacuous Spider
- Rom-LokEarth 1956
- Roman BridgerScream
- Roman Goodwin (Dark signer)Roman GoodwinYu-Gi-Oh!
- Roman PearceF&F
- Roman Reigns (Tribal Chief)Joseph Anoa'iWWE
- Roman SiennaVD
- Romario TraviolaGOH
- Romat-RuNew Earth
- Romeo BluePacific Rim
- Romeo ConboltRomeo ConboltFairy Tail
- Romeo ExxetABF
- Romgan ShayPrime Earth
- Romilda VaneWizarding World
- Romin KassidyYu-Gi-Oh!
- Romina, Saint Of The BudThe Elden Ring
- Romy ChandlerNew Earth
- Ron EversNew Earth
- Ron StoppableKP
- Ron Stoppable (Mystical Monkey Powers)KP
- Ron WeasleyRon WeasleyWizarding World
- Ron Weasley (Books)Ronald Bilius WeasleyWizarding World
- Ronald KnoxBlack Butler
- Ronald McCreaNFS
- Ronald McDonaldRonald
- Ronald RumpRobotboy
- Ronan The AccuserRonanEarth-616
- Ronan The AccuserRonanMCOC
- Ronan The AccuserRonanMCU
- Ronan The AccuserMAU
- Ronan The AccuserRonanEarth-19141
- Ronan The AccuserEarth-8096
- Ronan The AccuserRonanEarth-12131
- Ronan The AccuserRonanEarth-12131
- Ronan The AccuserRonanEarth-1610
- Ronan The Accuser (Power Stone)RonanMCU
- Rond VidarNew Earth
- Ronen TaggeRonen TaggeStar Wars
- Roni EversDoom Patrol
- Ronnie The JawsBlack Lagoon
- Rook BenBen 10
- Rook HuntTwl
- Rook SharBen 10
- Rookie BowserKing Bowser KoopaMario
- Rookie WarriorGoblin Slayer
- Roose BoltonGOT
- Rooster BoldMarc AncielMiracuverse
- Rope GirlBrenda
- Roran StronghammerRoranEragonverse
- Rori StrohNew Earth
- Roronoa ZoroRoronoa ZoroOP
- Roronoa ZoroOPS23
- Roronoa ZoroJumpForce
- Rory KeanerMBAV
- Rory WilliamsDoctor Who
- Rory Williams (centurion)Doctor Who
- Rosa FarrellFF IV
- Rosa KlebbJames Bond
- Rosa UshiromiyaUmineko Verse
- Rosalee CalvertGrimm Universe
- Rosalie HaleTwilight
- Rosalie LamorlièreThe Rose Of Versailles
- Rosalind StarlingLCh
- Rose BrownSupernatural
- Rose DelanyEarth-616
- Rose FatherRose Father
- Rose LargoNFS
- Rose MarigoldRose MarigoldAlan Wake
- Rose O'HaraRose O'HaraEarth-616
- Rose OrianaTeis
- Rose Quartz (Pink Diamond)PinkStevenverse
- Rose RedVertigo
- Rose RocheRose Roch�Earth-616
- Rose The HatRose O'Hara
- Rose The PuppetCliffhanger
- Rose TicoRose TicoStar Wars
- Rose WalkerVertigo
- Rose Walker
- Rose WeilOcean's 11
- Rose ZhaoCriminal Case
- Rose-MarieVD
- Rosella CarsonSolomon Kane
- Rosemary WintersResident Evil
- Rosette ChristopherRosette ChristopherChrono Crusade
- Rosi BladesCliffhanger
- Rosie CarverJames Bond
- Rosie The RiveterRosieNew Earth
- Rosita EspinosaRosita EspinosaTWD
- Rosita EspinosaRosita EspinosaTWD
- Rossiu AdaiGurren Lagann
- Roswaal L MathersRoswaal L MathersRe:Zero
- Rot Lop FanNew Earth
- Rote SpinneSB
- Rouboute GuillimanRouboute GuillimanWarhammer 40K
- Rouge The BatRouge The BatSonic
- Rough JusticeEarth-6706
- Rough The Skunk
- Rouka NumachiMonogatari
- Round DeerJJK
- Rowan Kenrith (Post-Mending)Rowan KenrithMtG
- Rowan NorthGhostbusters
- Rowan PigeonBlack Lagoon
- Rowant MorBuffy
- Rowdy Ronda RouseyRonda RouseyLegends
- Rowena MacLeodSupernatural
- Rowena RavenclawWizarding World
- Roxanne EliptonFreezing
- Roxanne GilbertRoxanne GilbertEarth-616
- Roxanne WolfFNAF
- Roxie SparksCriminal Case
- Roxxon ThorThor OdinsonEarth-616
- Roxy HartBoG
- Roxy MigurdiaRoxy M. GreyratMushoku Tensei
- Roxy RichterRoxy Richter
- Roxy RocketRoxanne SuttonDCAU
- Roxy RocketRoxanne SuttonNew Earth
- Roy Batty
- Roy Depape
- Roy DobbsRoy DobbsSupernatural
- Roy GribblestonDHMIS
- Roy KoopaRoy KoopaMario
- Roy MustangFMA
- Roy PulsipherRoycephus Roy PulsipherR.I.P.D.
- Roy RevengeKelleyEarth-2
- Royal BlueEarth-616
- Royal PainGwen GraysonSky High
- Royal RipperOPM
- Royce GracieBaki
- Royd LiyoldBleach
- Roz SolomonEarth-616
- Rozetta PierreCriminal Case
- Rtas 'VadumHalo
- Rubber SoulJJBA
- Rubberband ManAdam EvansNew Earth
- Ruben MorrisVD
- Rubeus HagridRubeus HagridWizarding World
- Rubeus Hagrid (Books)Rubeus HagridWizarding World
- Ruby BartlettJames Bond
- Ruby DinsmoreRuby DinsmoreBig Nate
- Ruby Eye ShabranigdoRuby Eye ShabranigdoSlayers
- Ruby HaleRuby HaleMCU
- Ruby HoshinoRuby HoshinoOshi No Ko
- Ruby RoundhouseJumanji
- Ruby RyderEarth-1
- Ruby SummersRuby SummersEarth-1191
- Ruby TōjōR+V
- Ruby ThursdayThursday RubinsteinEarth-616
- Ruby WeaponFF VII
- Rudbornn CheluteRudbornn CheluteBleach
- Rudeus GreyratRudeus GreyratMushoku Tensei
- Rudi RatRudi RatteTom Turbo
- Rudol Von StroheimJJBA
- Rudolf UshiromiyaUmineko Verse
- Rudolf Von GoldenbaumLOGH
- Rudolph LanchesterBoG
- Rudolph ValentinoAhs
- Rudy GillenMonster
- Rudy GillespieRudolph GillespieKI
- Rudy ReyesDCU
- Rudy RoughknightRudy RoughknightWild Arms
- Rudy WarburtonRudy WarburtonTWD
- Rufus ScrimgeourWizarding World
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