Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53863 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- QuetzalcoatlusQuetzalcoatlusJurassic Park
- QuibliWings Of Fire Universe
- QuickforceMonsuno
- QuicksandEarth-616
- Quickshadow (Autobot)Rescue Bots
- QuickshotEarth-616
- QuickshotEarth-616
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-616
- QuicksilverJonathan QuickEarth-616
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-2149
- QuicksilverPietro LensherrEarth-1610
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-8096
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-110
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-295
- QuicksilverPeter MaximoffEMCU
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-8610
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-13178
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-92131
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-9997
- QuicksilverPlanetos
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-12
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-TRN891
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-161
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-58163
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-61112
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffMCU
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-61610
- QuicksilverPietro MaximoffEarth-13122
- Quicksilver (Mental Barriers Removal)Pietro MaximoffEarth-616
- Quicksilver (Possessed By Chthon)Pietro Django Maximoff
- QuickstrikeQuickstrikeBeast Wars
- QuietMGS
- QuietTMS
- QuietusDM
- QuilavaCyndaquilPokemon
- QuilbyWakfu
- QuillMaxwell JordanEarth-616
- QuinaQuina QuenFF IX
- QuinnITB
- QuinnQuinn McKennaAlien
- QuinnQuinn Of UwendaleLoL
- QuintQuint BakerLKOEU
- Quint (Post-Mending)Quintorius KandMtG
- QuintessaSolus PrimeTCU
- QuintetNew Earth
- QuintonYu-Gi-Oh!
- QuisletNew Earth
- QuitelaDB
- Quitela (Manga)DB
- QuizNew Earth
- QuoggothQuoggothEarth-616
- QuoiEarth-616
- QuoiturQuoiturDB
- QuorpMonsuno
- QuorraTron
- QuyagenQuyagen
- QwspQwspNew Earth
- QyburnGOT
- RRenato SocciJormungand
- RaRecord Of Ragnarok
- RaEgyxos
- RaRaNew Earth
- RaRaRebirth
- RaSmite
- RaBlake WashingtonSotM
- RaRaSG
- Ra
- RaAmun-ReEgyptian Mythology
- RaavaAvatar
- RabanraDB
- RabbidRR
- RabbitTouka KirishimaTokyo Ghoul
- RabbitGOH
- RabbleEarth-616
- RabeederBakugan
- RaboRabōNoragami
- RabootPokemon
- RabscaPokemon
- RaceNew Earth
- RacenReiner HardwickNew Earth
- RacerSawyerFairy Tail
- RachelCamp Lazlo
- RachelNinja Gaiden
- RachelRachelDOA
- RachelRachel GreeneTWD
- RachelRachel FoleyResident Evil
- RackBuffy
- RackJimmy JuarezEarth-110
- RadStephen AmberDnD
- RadJennifer Wayne-BurkeAC Comics
- RadagonThe Elden Ring
- RadgridrRecord Of Ragnarok
- RadhaRadhaMtG
- RadianceRarityMLP
- RadiantRadiantNew Earth
- RadiantRadiantMtG
- RadiantClarice CoeurNew Earth
- RadiantRadiantRebirth
- RadiantNew Earth
- RadionNew Earth
- RaditzRaditzXenoverse
- RaditzRaditzDB
- RadiumEarth-616
- RadiusEarth-616
- RadizenBakugan
- RadmanEarth-34
- RadobaanMH
- RaelzaHSiAW
- RafDark Tower
- RafaelaML
- RaffRafwyn CapashenMtG
- RaffinaPuyo Nexus
- RafflesianBakugan
- RafflesimonLalamonDigimon
- RafielRafielFire Emblem
- RafikiThe Lion King
- RafisolPuyo Nexus
- RagamuffinEarth-50
- RagathaThe Amazing Digital Circus
- RageElvin Daryl HalidayEarth-616
- RagettiPoC
- RaggadorrRaggadorrEarth-616
- RagmanRory ReganArrowverse
- RagmanRory ReganRebirth
- RagmanRory ReganInjustice
- RagmanYa'akov Ben ShimonEarth-13
- RagmanRory ReganNew Earth
- Ragman (Full Power)Rory ReganNew Earth
- RagnaRC
- RagnarRagnar LothbrokVikings
- RagnarRagnarNew Earth
- RagnarTLK
- RagnarGLTAS
- RagnarokRagnarokEarth-616
- RagnarokBen 10
- RagnarokEarth-13178
- RagnarokTeis
- RagnarokGunther Van HornNew Earth
- RagnarosWarcraft
- RagnokMax Steel
- RagnorraDnD
- RagonUSU
- RaguelNew Earth
- RaguelVertigo
- RahzarTMNT
- RaiKurozuka
- RaianKure RaianKenganverse
- RaichuPokemon
- RaidenRaidenMK
- RaidenInjustice
- RaidenMK95
- RaidenMK-2021
- RaidenMKXC
- RaidenMKNT
- RaidenJackMGS
- RaidouDOA
- RaidramonVeemonDigimon
- RaigaRaigaFist Of The North Star
- RaihaFoR
- RaijinSmite
- RaijinPacific Rim
- RaijinNew Earth
- RaijuPacific Rim
- RaikaR+V
- RaikouPokemon
- RainMK
- RainBTiLC
- RainMC
- RainZeffeeroMKNT
- RainaMCU
- RaineRaineWhispersOHV
- RainemardRainemardFF XI
- RainierSoulfire
- RainmakerSarah RainmakerEarth-50
- RairakkuJCA
- RairenRairenMSNS
- RaizenToshin RaizenYu Yu Hakusho
- RaizuRaizuFist Of The North Star
- RajCamp Lazlo
- RajaRajaPhantasy Star
- RajangMH
- RakEarth-616
- RakanSLU
- RakanRakanLoL
- RakanothDiablo
- RakdosRakdosMtG
- RakshasaThe Elden Ring
- RakuyoOP
- RallenRallenSpectrobes
- RalphMCU
- RamRe:Zero
- RamaSmite
- RamattraOverwatch
- RamboJohn RamboMK
- RamboJohn RamboRamboverse
- RamessuRamessuWOD
- RamiNew Earth
- RamielVertigo
- RamielSupernatural
- RamirezDead Space
- RamiroPeyote DiazShaman King
- RamjetRamjet
- RammotRammotHXH
- RammusRammusLoL
- RamoneCars
- RamosRamosMtG
- RampageKaren Lou FaulknerNew Earth
- RampageProtoform XBeast Wars
- RampardosCranidosPokemon
- RampartRamaya ParekhApex
- RamsesEgyxos
- RamuhRamuhFF XIV
- RanRanNorse Myth
- RanJigokuraku
- RanRan JutulRagnarok
- RanPJO
- RanamonRanamonDigimon
- RanaqRanaqEarth-616
- RancorStar Wars
- RandalFire Emblem
- RandallRandall BoggsMonsters Inc
- RandgrizRecord Of Ragnarok
- RandoYu Yu Hakusho
- RandomMarshall Evan Stone III
- RanfanRan FuanDB
- RangaTensura
- RangerQCh
- RangerBob CampbellEarth-93060
- Ranger (EDF5)Storm 1EDF
- RangoRango
- RankleRankleMtG
- RankorrJohn Moore
- RanmaruSenran Kagura
- Ransik (Time force)RansikMMPR
- RansomValentin CorreaEarth-616
- RantKal-ElNew Earth
- Rantanplan
- Ranx
- RaoRaoPrime Earth
- RaoSand Land
- RaoRaoNew Earth
- RaoRaoRebirth
- RaohKen-OhFist Of The North Star
- Raoh (Musou Tensi)Ken-OhFist Of The North Star
- RaphaelTMNT
- RaphaelRaphaelRise Of The TMNT
- RaphaelTMNT 2003
- RaphaelTMNT 2014
- RaphaelVertigo
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