Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53815 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- PetaldramonArbormonDigimon
- PeteCknd
- PeterBlack Butler
- PeterMetro
- PeterhausenIUND
- PetrMetro
- PetraPetraEarth-616
- PetraChristy NordEarth-616
- PetzPetzSailor Moon
- PhaederPhaederEarth-616
- PhaedrusBakugan
- PhaethonPhaethonDnD
- PhageCarl MachEarth-616
- PhageJeskaMtG
- Phage (Carnage-Infested)PhageEarth-616
- Phage (Klyntar Symbiote)PhageEarth-616
- PhaidorJohn Carter
- PhalanxEarth-616
- PhalkanPhalkanEarth-616
- PhantasmaraneaeBayonetta
- PhantaziaEileen HarsawEarth-616
- PhantomChristopher WalkerNew Earth
- PhantomPhantomMÄR
- PhantomVD
- PharahFareeha AmariOverwatch
- PharsaML
- PharynxMLP
- PhaserChristian CordEarth-616
- PhastosEarth-616
- PhastosMCU
- PhatWilliam Robert Reilly
- PhattyPhatty ReillyEarth-616
- PhiBeyblade
- PhilPhil AltiereGT
- PhilPhil CallahanStranger Things
- PhilKA&KoJ
- PhilUndead Unluck
- PhilTPN
- PhilemonPhilemonSMT
- PhilipSirius The Jaeger
- PhilippusPhilippusDCEU
- PhilippusPhilippusDCAU
- PhilippusEarth 55
- PhilistineEarth-616
- PhillipusNew Earth
- PhiloctetesHercules
- PhinksPhinks MagcubHXH
- PhistPrime Earth
- PhobiaThe Renegades
- PhobiaAngela Hawkins IIINew Earth
- PhobiaEarth-50
- PhobosAlexander AaronEarth-616
- PhobosPJO
- PhobosPhobosNew Earth
- PhobosHero Wars Verse
- PhoebeGhostbusters
- PhoenixDiamanda NeroEarth-616
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-616
- PhoenixEmma FrostEarth-616
- PhoenixPiotr RasputinEarth-616
- PhoenixIllyana RasputinEarth-616
- PhoenixNamor McKenzieEarth-616
- PhoenixJean GreyMCOC
- PhoenixLuke CageEarth-616
- PhoenixThaneEarth-616
- PhoenixShang-ChiEarth-616
- PhoenixCeleste CuckooEarth-616
- PhoenixDota
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-295
- PhoenixMadelyne Jennifer PryorEarth-616
- PhoenixRachel SummersEarth-811
- PhoenixAmber HuntEarth-616
- PhoenixGiraudEarth-616
- PhoenixFeronEarth-616
- PhoenixFranklin Richards
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-92131
- PhoenixOnslaughtEarth-696
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-9997
- PhoenixSupernatural
- PhoenixRook'shirEarth-616
- PhoenixEn Sabah NurEarth-616
- PhoenixNate GreyEarth-295
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-80777
- PhoenixTaaiaEarth-616
- PhoenixScott SummersEarth-616
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-41001
- PhoenixVisionEarth-6311
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-TRN840
- PhoenixJamie AdeyemiValorant
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-70105
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-1610
- PhoenixCassandra Nova XavierEarth-41001
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-TRN852
- PhoenixJean GreyMAU
- PhoenixOroro MunroeEarth-9590
- PhoenixGiraudEarth-TRN1510
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-13122
- PhoenixFongji WuEarth-616
- PhoenixEarth-616
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-13178
- PhoenixQuentin QuireEarth-616
- PhoenixPhoenix ForceEarth-2182
- PhoenixJean GreyEarth-TRN1078
- PhoenixErik Magnus LehnsherrEarth-616
- PhoenixSam Wilson
- Phoenix (1,000,000 BC)FirehairEarth-616
- Phoenix (Echo)Maya LopezEarth-616
- PhogPhog ChristophXenoblade
- Phosphorus
- PhosphosBakugan
- PhotonGenis-VellEarth-616
- PhotonMonica RambeauMCU
- PhotonMonica RambeauEarth-616
- Photon (Merged With Eternity)Monica RambeauEarth-616
- PhoveusML
- PhylaMCU
- Phylange
- PhyllaWinx Club Universe
- PhymGod Eater
- PhynasterTES
- PiandaoPiandaoAvatar
- PicaOP
- PiccoloPiccoloDB
- PiccoloPiccoloDBGT
- PiccoloPiccoloDBM2009
- PiccoloJumpForce
- Piccolo (Manga)DB
- Piccolo (Mini)PiccoloDB
- PichuSSBU
- Pichu
- PickleBaki
- PicoPicoNG
- Piconjo (Newgrounds)Oliver LongwoodNG
- PidgeDarrell "Pidge" StokerVoltron
- PidgeotPokemon
- PidgeottoPokemon
- PidgeyPidgeyPokemon
- PiecePieceUmineko Verse
- PiedmonDigimon
- PierceNew Earth
- PierrotD.Gray-man
- PiersPokemon
- PiffWinx Club Universe
- PigellaRoseMiracuverse
- PigeonBeatrice ButlerNew Earth
- PigeonEarth-8311
- PigletWtP
- PikachuPikachuPokemon
- PikachuSSBU
- Pikachu (Ash's Pikachu)PikachuPokemon
- PikeEarth-50
- PikeHXH
- PikkonDB
- PilaiPilaiEarth-616
- PilarCyberpunk 2077
- PiledriverBrian CaluskyEarth-616
- PiledriverMAU
- PiledriverEarth-8096
- PilgorGSU
- PilgrimMaritza BlackbirdEarth-50
- PilgrimTaurinITB
- PilinaDB
- Pillar (Neo)Earth-616
- Pilot
- PimpleGeorge PieBattletoads
- PincerScott LangEarth-9907
- PincurchinPokemon
- PingtsiChainsaw Man
- PinheadElliott SpencerHellraiser
- PinheadElliot SpencerDBD
- PinkyMarcus PinzerowskiDoom2005
- PinkyPinky The GhostPacMan
- PinocchioPinocchio
- PinpointQureshi GuptaEarth-616
- PinsirPokemon
- PintelPoC
- PinwheelDark Souls
- PinzarMonsuno
- PipPAU
- PipeyePopeye
- PipijurasGigabash
- PipinPipin TarupinFF XIV
- PiplupPokemon
- PippinBerserk
- PippinEä
- PipsqueakPipsqueakMLP
- PipsqueakMLP
- PiranhaPiranhaEarth-616
- PiranhaWings Of Fire Universe
- PirlouitPeewitPeyo
- PissBoNew Earth
- PistiMagi
- PitPitKid Icarus
- PittPittPitt
- PittBlack Butler
- Pity
- PixelatorMiracuverse
- PixieMegan GwynnEarth-616
- PixieSMT
- PixieMegan GwynnEarth-16191
- PizzafacePizza Tower
- PizzaheadPizza Tower
- PlaggMiracuverse
- PlagueCortland KasadyEarth-616
- PlagueMinamotoNew Earth
- PlanetinaR&M
- PlanktonSheldon J PlanktonSpongebob
- PlantmanSamuel SmithersEarth-616
- Plasmabolt
- PlasmusOtto Von FurthNew Earth
- PlasmusOtto Von FurthPrime Earth
- PlasmusOtto Von FurthYoung Justice
- PlastiqueBette Sans SouciNew Earth
- PlastiqueBette Sans SouciSmallville
- PlastiqueBette Sans SouciArrowverse
- PlastiqueBette Sans SouciPrime Earth
- PlastiqueBette Sans SouciFutures End
- PlatinumPrime Earth
- PlatinumPlatinumNew Earth
- PlatinumpoolWade WilsonMCOC
- PlaytimePlaytimeBaldi's Basics In Education And Learning
- PlaztekMax Steel
- PleinairDisgaea
- PlitheonBakugan
- PloktaPloktaEarth-616
- PlunderJared MorilloNew Earth
- PlunderJared MorilloArrowverse
- PlusBina Chawney
- PlutiaIris HeartNeptunia
- PlutoMAU
- PlutoHadesEarth-616
- PlutoPlutoDMC
- PlutoPlutoMickey Mouse & Friends
- PlutonOPM
- PlutoniaEarth-616
- PlutoniumEarth-616
- PlutusSupernatural
- PneumaPneumaXenoblade
- PoaMoana
- PoborubarumuMH
- PocahontasPocahontasPocahontas
- PocoBS
- PodAikku JokinenEarth-616
- PodcastGhostbusters
- PointerVTK
- PoisonStreet Fighter
- PoisonCecilia Cardinale
- PoisonJames Hudson Jr.Earth-1610
- PoisonPoisonEarth-17952
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