

Titanus Camazotz


Camazotz's powers and abilities

Echolocation - Camazotz is blind and uses a very powerful version of echolocation to navigate. He can also repurpose this into a sonic scream that is capable of severely injuring other Titans.

Prehensile Tail - Camazotz possesses a strong and flexible prehensile tail that is covered in blade like protrusions he uses to grab and lift other titans.

Swarm - Camazotz has a swarm of monstrous flight capable creatures that accompany him everywhere he goes. Each of these creatures is at least on par with a jet fighter in combat.

Weather Manipulation - Although not specifically stated, Camazotz appears to have the ability to influence storms that he uses to block the sun's light.

Camazotz's weaknesses

Light - Camazotz cannot stand bright light and retreats from it immediately.

Loud Sounds - Camazotz has extremely sensitive hearing and can be injured by creating a loud enough noise next to him, such as a jet hitting a sonic boom.