
Best Comic of 2025?

Created by DannyGurney, 16 d ago.

Whats the best comic you have read this year?

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amaltaas 15 d
Best Comic of 2025?
8 months member
Until now? I'll just rank on-going runs

1. Incredible Hulk: What can I say, I love Hulk, and PKJ is writing him masterfully. I love the horror type merged with elements from Immortal, with a focus on his mental struggle than the struggle with the environment.
2. Absolute Batman: By far the best Absolute comic at the moment. I love the fact that he isn't rich anymore, and he's isolated to a neighborhood level person, and is broken to the extent that he doesn't even have the small comforts he took pleasure in (his wealth, his butler, etc.)
3. Wonder Woman: WW is by far my least favourite member of my trinity but as you can see from this placement and no. 4, I LOVE the way she is being written recently. Her fight with the soverign and her (somewhat) righteous vengeance as she casually destroys the American government is really fun to read.
4. Absolute Wonder Woman: Exemplifying what I love about the Absolute Universe. Batman is supposed to be the dark one, but her dark outfit, her no nonense command and everything is great.
5. Immortal Thor: I don't think this needs much explanation, what Al Ewing touches is at least in the top 5.
6. Transformers: Transformers comics are always good, but they often don't compare to Marvel Comics/DC Comics, but DW wrote this really well, especially when you combine GI Joe, Void Rivals, etc.
7. Green Lantern
8. Titans
9. Absolute Superman
10. Phoenix
11. Storm
12. Superman
13. Shazam
14. Scarlet Witch
15. Avengers
16. TVA
17. Ghost Spider
18. Namor

There is a lack of Ultimate Universe in my runs because I'm not following them - ditto with most X-Men comics
Last edited: 15 d ago.
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Best Comic of 2025?
12 months member
Ive really liked all the WW stuff this year too, i thought she mite of had the best absolute run so far but all of them are great.
You should try some of the image comics runs they got going like geiger and redcoat they mite be the best things im reading this year
Best Comic of 2025?
8 months member
@DannyGurney I would actually revise this now - I think Absolute WW is a bit better than Absolute Batman. Never been a big fan of Image outside of Invincible and Spawn, but I'll give those a try