Baron of Darkness

Baron of Darkness

Joseph Starkiller

Baron of Darkness's History

Joseph Starkiller was born on Titan and joined the military as an infantry soldier of Titans army, in an invasion on the Dragon planet of Saturn, where he fought Bruce House, the Dragon King, and took his helmet, which holds the heart of Perception, or better known as the gem of reality. He then invaded a neighboring solar system and destroyed the star, granting him the nick name Starkiller. He is known for his attack on the planet earth, in the Battle of Six, where he was joined by the armies of Venus, lead by their Queen. He lost this battle when his hand was cut off by Celestial, who is the current wielder of the Sword of Power, which has the heart of Aptitude inside of it. In the War for the Cosmos he learned of the five cosmic gems, Power, Death, Life, Reality, and Space(which also has control over time) and searches for them to become the most powerful being in the universe.