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These are the 50 latest comments made by Alderaan

52 months member
Neutral Interesting battle, which might not be as straight-forward as you would first think.

She-Ra (MotU) is based upon Asherah, who according to ancient mythology is the "Queen of Heaven" and the wife of El. Together they are said to rule the universe as One. This is the reason why She-Ra is said to be the most powerful woman in the universe, very rarely loses a fight (in canon), is able to magically transform objects using her sword and can counter the magic of others.

Consequently, it is possible that the Living Tribunal will realise that he is facing his boss (in an unfamiliar form) and with his wisdom decide it is prudent to lose the battle!
52 months member
She-Ra (MotU) She-Ra always overcomes anyone with energy/powers absorption capabilities.