Power Broker

Power Broker

Sharon Carter

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Power Broker's History

Sharon Carter is the great-niece of legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. founder and Director Peggy Carter. Following in her aunt's footsteps, Carter became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., codenamed Agent 13. Although she never revealed her relation, not wanting to be put under the pressure of living up to any expectations. Under direct orders from Nick Fury, Carter was tasked with going undercover as a nurse, living next to Steve Rogers. When Fury was attacked, she blew her cover to Rogers. After HYDRA was revealed to have been operating within S.H.I.E.L.D., Carter chose to stay loyal to her organization, and fought during the Battle at the Triskelion to protect millions of lives.

In the aftermath of the HYDRA Uprising, Carter left the disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. and joined the CIA, before being stationed at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre. When the Vienna International Centre was bombed, Carter returned to the JCTC after giving Rogers information on Bucky Barnes. When Barnes was arrested and brought into the JCTC, Helmut Zemo reactivated his mental programming, causing Carter to try and stop him, to no success. She later assisted Rogers in handing over his team's equipment, which would indirectly spark the devastating Avengers Civil War. Her involvement in helping Rogers would cause Carter to go on the run after being branded an enemy of the state by the US government and isolated from the intelligence community.

Relying on her skills and ingenuity to survive, Carter established herself in Madripoor as the Power Broker, who ruled the city's criminal underworld, amassing her wealth during the Snap, in which she was believed to have died. Carter would later reunite with Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and Helmut Zemo, assisting them in uncovering the truth about the Flag Smashers. She would later hire the mercenary Georges Batroc as a means to spy on their leader and a former soldier of hers, Karli Morgenthau, before joining Wilson and Barnes in New York City as the Flag Smashers attack the GRC. After Carter killed Morgenthau, Wilson was eventually able to get her pardoned, unintentionally allowing her to secure direct access to government resources for her buyers in Madripoor.