

Walter Kovacs

Watchmen Universe

Rorschach's powers and abilities


Training himself to become a gifted athlete, Rorschach has been able to jump roof top to roof top, scale tall buildings and land on his feet without ever making a sound.


Rorschach was proven quite skillful in the act of espionage, spying on his enemies and allies alike just to keep tabs as well as confirm his suspicions.

Hand-to-Hand Combat

Rorschach was a brilliant street fighter and has since honed this skill during his years of crime fighting and his stint in prison.


Rorschach has his own special brand of asking questions, mostly involving breaking body parts and otherwise scarring or maiming victims (or suspects) to get answers.


Rorschach's mental instability is well known, even without his costume or any of his friends about he is an intimidating man and has made many people flee in his presence.


Rorschach is an accomplished detective, figuring out the "mask killer theory" and eventually Ozymandias' plan with little to no help. His zeal for crime solving has been mentioned multiple times.


Rorschach kept a journal of his adventures when it was most necessary, he's proven to be a deep thinker and since witnesses the underbelly of the city has cataloged it's nightmares.