Doctor Doom II

Doctor Doom II

Kristoff Vernard

Prime Marvel Universe

Doctor Doom II's weapons

Kristoff had possession of an armored suit that was similar to that of the original Doctor Doom’s, with all its built in armaments.

Doctor Doom II's equipment

Kristoff was in custody of a nuclear powered, microcomputer-enhanced suit that is modeled after the suit of Victor von Doom. The suit consisted of an exo and an endoskeleton. The electrically powered exoskeleton made the child inside seem like an adult, and gave Kristoff superhuman strength that enabled him to lift 2 tons. The endoskeleton allowed Kristoff to move the heavy armor easily, and helped him to control the many functions of Doom’s armor. For a short while, Kristoff wore a child-sized version of the armor, but quickly discarded it. In addition to super strength, the armor was equipped with boot jets for flight, a personal force field, and the ability to discharge concussive blasts.

Kristoff was also in control of the vast advanced weaponry that was used by the original Doctor Doom including his Doombots, and advanced modes of transportation including those that were capable of interplanetary travel.
No equipment or weapons connected to Doctor Doom II